
Tuesday, October 22, 2013

I just started an online course for Intro to Philosophy and they asked us to introduce ourselves on the discussion board and talk about what we hope to get out of the course and what if any life philosophies we subscribe to...this was my post...thought I would share!
I enrolled in this course because there is a dichotomy that lives inside of me and I feel that the only way to ever find some semblance of balance is to keep asking myself why? When I read a profound quote I grasp its truth and relish in the discovery of knowledge. When I speak to others about my passion towards humanity and the adventure that is life, I know that it comes from a well of truth inside me. But...(and this is the piece of the puzzle I will endlessly strive to solve) my actions don't often mirror my most solid beliefs. I see that I am capable of making a difference in the lives of others just when I half ass it, so I often daydream about what I could accomplish if I could somehow manage to make my beliefs and my actions be one in the same. If I can live my life just being true to myself I feel that I will have a greater impact than all of the eloquent things I could ever hope to conjure up.  There is a fundamental difference between being introspective and self-absorbed. I know that to live up to my full potential and fulfill my purpose here in this small spot of the cosmos that I must look within and constantly question my behavior. I grapple with how I can be so sure of something and not just instinctively act that out...but alas I am flawed. However, accepting that I am flawed (and shedding the delusion that perfection is attainable) is only the first step on my road to self-discovery. At this stage in my life I feel it is my duty, to dissect those flaws and learn something from them if I ever hope to have inner peace and make a positive impact on those around me...which brings me to this class. I have long thought of myself as a philosopher :), but I have come to think that perhaps I am being a little self-indulgent. I don't ever want to be the type of person who subscribes to a particular attribute without putting in the work to earn it. I have thoroughly enjoyed reading all of your posts and look forward to great discussions moving forward. And so we dive once again into the realm of the deeper tide that pushes our minds to me this is never idle time! Not all those who wander are lost!

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