
Saturday, August 17, 2013

Night Train

I love the way Amos Lee took the song "Night Train" and just made it look so effortless to give you this became an instant favorite.  When I first got the CD, I would chill some Mango wine and clean my house whilst listening to it.  I would take a break when it would come on (7 songs in I believe) and I would lay on my back in my living room out in the country and just have a moment!

So when my sister and I got tickets to a show of his in Madison, we were stoked.  It was sometime in late October or Novemeber.  We headed down to Madison and got settled in the neighborhood of the venue which was the Barrymore Theater.  It was a very hipster neighborhood, but I was cool with that because hipsters always have great resturants and usually a pretty chill vibe.  So we ended up at this cool resturant called "Alchemy".  We had an awesome dinner of spicy grilled catfish, and the strongest Martini's one could imagine.  After dinner we headed right out to the Barrymore.  We got inside and scoped out which bar we wanted to order from...and to my great surprise they were serving Lambrusico on tap for $1.25 in huge plastic cups!  So needless to say my sister and I were all grins and giggles while the roadies were finishing up on stage...and than something unexpected happened.

The opener started.  You have to keep in mind that I prefer and attend many more outdoor events than indoor.  At an outdoor event, the opener is playing while you are getting settled, or making sure to get you last pee sometimes you miss it!  But in an indoor venure, when the opener came out, people got quieter.  And when she started to sing....people fell silent.  The opener was Priscilla Ahn.  She was a beautiful waif of a dark haired girl, and she had a cazoo strapped to a face brace (like harmonica players do).  Her voice was haunghtily beautiful and she was singing a song called "Dream".  Words won't do justice to the beauty of this song, and the whole audience was captivated and we all got to our feet.  I looked over at my sister and the purest tears streamed down her cheeks, but it was the lazy smile that  occupied her expression that made me smile in turn...because it was a smile of utter joy.  We stood there smiling at each other and crying with no need to apologize because you don't apologize for sharing that kind of moment...there is just something about unspoken joy that makes life worth living.

So by the time Amos Lee played "Night Train" we had made our way to the front were you could stand.  We lost ourselves for the next couple of hours...and that is why I mention the song....because I love it and I loved that night with my sister...the only person who could have had the same understanding.  We drove home in a bliss with permagrin (probably the Lambrusico and Vicodin assisted that magic carpet ride) yeah...Amos Lee is the bees knees!

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